Thanks, Leanne. I hope your plan works for you, for however long. I too am beginning to feel various forms of arthritis, notably in my right middle finger, called ‘trigger finger’. This was probably brought on by years of daily cooking for lots of people. I also am dealing with many menopausal delights and navigating mostly by personal research and talking with friends and family about their experiences. I feel that I get no definitive answers from my doctor. In fact, her information often contradicts what I read from the Mayo Clinic’s. I was prescribed an antidepressant for mood swings that I am loath to take because of the possible side effects. Alas, I too am trying to eat well, exercise and meditate occasionally. Wish me luck!

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Sep 12Liked by Leanne Kleinmann

"Menopausal delights" - I am totally going to steal that line :)

Completely agree, my personal research, friends and family (including the above-mentioned Instagram channels) have given me the best advise. Hands down. Every time. We are not alone in this journey, but it sure does feel like it with so few resources and research. Thanks for writing, Leanne and wishing you the best of luck, Stephanie.

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Good luck! Though it makes me mad every time I think of having to discover solutions from friends and the internet.

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Thanks Leanne for this. I recently went to a friends home for a talk about menopause. There were 25 women (58 yo - 68 yo) there to listen to a female OBGYN doing research on menopause at University of Colorado Anschutz. She spoke about how there are so few doctors doing research in this area and the very little to no training OBGYN's get on this. Because (not a surprise) there is not money in it. Money for OBGYN's is delivering babies and doing surgeries. She encouraged all of us to press our doctors to do more and keep asking questions. She said there are good results out there regarding HRT and to recognize (as you did in this) hot flashes are NOT the only menopause effect. Lack of energy, brain fog, muscle aches, joint pain and arthritis are just a few. Good luck with your plan - I too am focusing on low impact activities as I have muscle aches and joint pain. I think I need to try cutting out the white flour and sugar - sounds so hard!

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SO much more to know about menopause symptoms, though I disagree that there's not money in it. Quite a few women I know would spend BIG to have answers to these issues. I hope this changes soon. I'll be writing more about this, for sure.

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Osteo is the pits. I am sorry. Voltaren is the topical NSAID version of diclofenac. OTC it provides relief to specific areas. You know I am a huge fan of bicycling…we rode many miles together!!!! Good times. My challenge is getting the bike fit correct so my upper body does not hurt, shoulders and upper arms. Our bodies are like old cars…maintenance, attention and touch ups always needed! I was definitely the antique Buick. Better now as an old, zippy 240Z!😊😉😎

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I feel ALL OF THIS. You just described my exact journey over the last 10 months! Thank you for sharing.

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Ugh, so sorry to hear that, Katy. I hope you feel like you're making progress.

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