Jul 19Liked by Leanne Kleinmann

You continue to teach me so much about how best to celebrate intentional friendships!

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What a lovely and encouraging piece of writing this is. Your words of truth about aging and friendship and writing are an honest look at life past 60 for me, and always thought-provoking and helpful to my own writing. I’m glad someone (you? the other Story Lady?) had the idea of Story Ladies a decade ago. This small group is a source of strength and honesty for me, the third person of this fine trio. I hope many of your readers will choose to create a group of thinkers-readers-writers for themselves. It’s quite meaningful, and that is always a blessing. Thanks for these thoughts today, friend.

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I can't remember how it started, either, but THANK YOU for your open-hearted support all these years. See you next time! xoxo

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Leanne, you know I'm not a lady; I'm a guy who was previously on the fast track for a senior executive leadership position at a Fortune 500 company. Now, I'm in my early to mid-50s, and I'm playing catch-up on how much I need to know about the digital economy to justify my value (the relevance of what I have to offer) to businesses that want to become Fortune 500 companies. I'm in two different book clubs, one of which is focused on biblical principles to live by, and the other is a group with whom I can discuss my ideas on starting a rare book, bourbon, and scotch club. Both groups provide more value to me than I provide to them, so I can continue to develop professionally while remaining connected socially. Thanks for starting this site.

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Hi, Chad. Bravo to you for continuing to be adventurous in this stage of your life, not that I'm surprised. :) Thanks so much for reading.

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I used to tease my mom about her "bridge club". I don't think I ever saw them actually playing bridge but they used to love to get together. They were lifelong friends and I know they cared deeply about each other. Social connections are SO important as we get older - I know how much my mom looked forward to those lunches and "bridge". I'm so glad I have interests outside of the house that help me connect with people of all ages - it's a life saver!

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Ha -- I love that you never actually saw them playing bridge!

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For over 20 years I have been having phone conversations with individual friends across the country. We talk every four or six weeks and always schedule our next call before we end our current call. Some of my conversation partners joined me with some client work; others are truly thought partners. Thank you for this wonderful topic!

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How very cool. Now I'm motivated to be a little more intentional about making sure my individual conversations keep going. Thanks, Mary Jo.

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Love this piece! At this stage of life, I love having the time to join a book club (at last!) and a weekly mahjong game. I enjoy the activities and it’s the perfect way to see old friends and make new ones.

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I love the make-new-ones possibilities. Though it's pretty great to stay connected to old friends, too. #Classof92

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