This is absolutely wonderful, Leanne! You were and still are a terrific Mom!

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Aw, thanks, Bill. Hope you're well!

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This is so lovely! We both have July babies, only mine is turning 12 :)

What an amazing adventure for Tomas - I'm so excited for him. He lis fortunate to have such a wise mama to offer him advice, just as I know you feel lucky because of all you've learned from, through, and with him. Congratulations on a quarter-century of parenting!!

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Thanks, Nishta!

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Beautifully expressed, and every sentence right on the point. That talent, - saying what you mean without needless embellishment - is your gift. I eagerly await every release of "telling my age."

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Elizabeth, thank you so much for your unwavering support. I really appreciate it!

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Lovely Leanne ❤️

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Thanks, Lora.

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Leanne, I love the picture of you and Tomas. Congratulations on his getting his fellowship. What an amazing opportunity it will be for him. I loved what you said about parenting. There are so many universal truths in your words. I hope that since our kids have been exposed to more than we were at their age and they have more opportunities than we did that fear plays less of a factor as they weigh major life changes. I agree they do watch us and learn much from that. It is hard as a parent to sit back and watch them carve their paths in life. It is also exciting and sometimes hard to see where it takes them. All we can do is hope that they will figure out where they want to be and find a route to get there. The best parenting lesson I learned is to teach Grace that whatever happens we will be there to cheer her on and catch her when she needs it. It brings us all comfort to know she understands that. Congratulations on entering the world of Medicare. It is amazing....

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You're so right, Iris -- it's tough to let go and watch. Surely they know we'll always be there if they need us. And I never thought I'd be eager for Medicare, but here I am!

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If I recall correctly, it was in NYC during your 25th year that you spent a long weekend with two handsome men, one of whom was to become your husband. Lucky girl! ❤️

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SO lucky. Talk about a weekend that changed my life! xoxo

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