Jul 7Liked by Leanne Kleinmann

Love this--particularly speaking of the loss of "dream time" and respecting the need for our unconscious areas to grow and renew.

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Jul 4Liked by Leanne Kleinmann

This is great. Much needed and much appreciated.

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Jul 4Liked by Leanne Kleinmann

Thanks, Leanne. I just ordered the Rest Deck. I’m looking forward to a delicious nap - and restful time with my beloved - today.

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Yes, yes! I slept till 10:00 this morning!

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YES YES YES! I love that book and ALL of Tricia Hersey's reminders that our worth is not tied to our productivity. We have intrinsic value just BEING, and I remind my team of that frequently. I mean, we all gotta hustle, but also need to live in joy every day, not just on weekends and vacations.

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SO true. Thanks, as ever, for the reminder.

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FWIW (and it may seem trite), but yoga really helped me slow down. As a native Ohioan AND an Episcopalian (ahem), I looked askance at yoga for years: too new age-y, to woo-woo, too California, etc. You know - something “respectable” people don’t do. Well, now that I’M a Californian, I can confirm that it’s all that….and it’s been marvelous for me. Not just mentally but as an athlete. I hope you are able to practice it at least occasionally, sweet girl.

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I LOVE my yoga practice! Only wish I got to the studio more often. xoxo

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