
Is that the same Wendy that did time at Westminster Presbyterian in Wooster? (I still remember the quote after you visited: “Now I know why you’re like what you’re like”).

And it occurred to me last year that I had known Shamburger for 45 years last fall. Which I guess means it’ll be 47 years for you, me, and Andy by next fall (gulp!)

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The very same! And aren’t we lucky to still be in each other’s lives all these years later. Xoxo

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Dorts never age!

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Friendships like that are so wonderful. I find the older I get the more precious they feel. Having a lifetime of shared memories both good and bad strengthens those bonds. It is a huge source of comfort and gratitude. I am sure that wedding day will be full of many emotions. Enjoy sharing it with your friend and family.

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Thanks, Iris! And you are one of those precious friends from long ago, too. So grateful for you.

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