Jan 4Liked by Leanne Kleinmann

Agreed, Burpees are for the birds and not old ones like me. :)

I deeply appreciate the added goals relative to connection, indulgence and handwritten notes. I love to receive one, I work hard to send them and will work hard to do more of that.

I also find that every time I am with strong women, I feel fueled, safe and seen. I want to do more of that in 2024. My word for the year is STRETCH. Stretch my body, my brain, my comfort, my goals, my periods of rest, my arms around others.

Love Telling My Age, and you, LK.

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Jan 4Liked by Leanne Kleinmann

I require a power nap at least once a day, sometimes twice. Or at least an hour of silence.

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Jan 4Liked by Leanne Kleinmann

Yes! I’m with you and look forward to more connection and your stories. (I don’t know why they are called burpees, but burpees are included in one of my many descriptions of hell!)

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One of my favorite quotes from the book "Younger Next Year" is "we all have to age, but we don't have to rot." I'm all in on staying as active as I possibly can - want to be able to keep up with my grandkids! Another great aspect of that book is the discussion of the importance to maintaining social connections (as you pointed out), and having a sense of purpose. This is especially critical for people who retire from a job that provided lots of social connection and sense of purpose. Thanks for the note - these always give me something to think about!

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As you know, you are my anti-aging role model, especially on the bike! Thanks for the book recommendation, too. Always looking for new grist for the journey.

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(Lifts glass of bubbles to toast holistic well-being...)

Well, I crawled (flexibility!) down the rabbit hole to read the history of burpees (more interesting that expected, btw). My favorite detail from that? In the “see also” section for burpees, it reads: “Sun Salutations, a sequence of yoga postures that bears some similarities.”


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Because of course you did! So interesting -- maybe that's why I've never liked sun salutations, either. Namaste. :)

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Love this, Leanne! I have to look up what a burpee is. ;(

But I'd add to the list:

Do one thing just for yourself. Not to please anyone else, or get likes on social media for doing it. Examples: dance around the house to whatever song makes you MOOVE. Or play with any art supplies you have... crayons, paint, pencils. But show no one else your results. Just do it to please yourself. I'd say once a day would be optimal, but do as often as you can.

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A burpee is an awful, repetitious exercise that reminds me of fourth grade gym class -- not worth ANY of your time. But thanks for the encouragement to play every day, especially with art supplies. You've always been a great inspiration in that department! Happy New Year. xoxo

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